Transactional Analysis in Russia

Peer-review electronic journal



  • International Institute of Developmental Transactional Analysis (WEB:


Transactional Analysis in Russia is the first Russian-language electronic journal, which is entirely devoted to Transactional Analysis (TA). Our journal publishes articles, reviews, announcements, interviews and a variety of other useful and interesting information. The main purpose of the journal is to promote TA research to expand the pool of evidence-based approaches to therapy, and to create an information platform to share views in the professional community.

Types of accepted articles

  • Scientific part
  • Original research in the TA field
  • Meta-analysis and literature reviews
  • Translation of the most important research and practice-oriented articles in TA and related fields
  • A developmental publicist section
  • Page of associations and Russian-speaking delegates (free of charge)
  • Announcements of events and books
  • Observations and essays from students
  • Reflections on events from readers in the TA community.
  • Announcements of events and books
  • Supervisory sessions in the pages of the journal


Subscription and Access

  • The journal will be published 3 times a year
  • The journal will be published electronically
  • The journal will have a paid subscription for readers and complimentary terms for authors

Publication, distribution and indexation

  • Russian and English full-text articles;
  • journal is publishing 3 times per year;
  • no APC, Hybrid Access


  • CrossRef
  • Google Scholar
  • Dimensions

Announcements More Announcements...

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Current Issue

Vol 4, No 2 (2024)

Cover Page

Full Issue

From editorial board

How to Combine Money and Spirituality?
Kochetkova-Korelova O.V.

An introductory speech from the editor-in-chief of the journal ”Transactional Analysis in Russia”. The article also provides an overview of the content of the journal’s summer issue no. 8 (volume 4, issue 2, 2024).

Transactional Analysis in Russia. 2024;4(2):3-4
pages 3-4 views

Scientific point of view

Features of the Emotional Sphere and Psychotherapy of Financiers in the Modality of Transactional Analysis
Tarasova O.P.

The article covers the question of the features of the emotional life of individuals who choose financial activity as a profession. The article contains data from a survey among 42 financiers, which was conducted by the author of the article, and a table of personality adaptations that are most common among financial sector workers (Paranoid, Antisocial, Obsessive-Compulsive). The specific features of financiers that are formed both in childhood under the influence of the parental system and in adulthood under the influence of the professional environment are also formulated. The author identifies the conditions and patterns for the formation of personality styles of financiers and analyzes how the same traits and adaptation mechanisms can lead to professional success, on the one hand, and failure in building trusting relationships, on the other. The author notes the basic needs for harmonious personal development outside the professional sphere and offers recommendations that can support people involved in finance and help them build satisfying close relationships.

Transactional Analysis in Russia. 2024;4(2):5-11
pages 5-11 views
Money as a Type of Racket Fueled by the Economy
Zeinalova R.S., Nevzorova I.T.

This article is an experience of generalizing economic and psychological views on the meaning of money in human life. The article presents an analysis of some economic theories demonstrating the deep penetration of the concept of money into various aspects of human life, as well as an original view of the authors on how money can become a racket that provokes games and determines the roles and positions of a person in an organization. The authors give a brief outline of the emergence of money as a medium of exchange and transformation of the meanings that people began to give money during the development of human society, and also talk about how stimulus hunger, hunger for recognition and hunger for structure, described by Eric Berne, are associated with stroking and recognition in the form of money. The article examines the work of Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky on the theory of perspectives and cognitive distortions related to money, research on human capital by Thomas William Schultz and Gary Stanley Becker, and other economic works. The authors analyze how behavioral economics research can reveal the meaning of games in organizations in a new way, what personal prerequisites contribute to a racketeering attitude towards money as a substitute for stroking and recognition, and why people may perceive other people as “means of production”.

Transactional Analysis in Russia. 2024;4(2):12-23
pages 12-23 views
Eco-TA: When the Nature Becomes the Co-Therapist
Samoilova A.I.

This article is based on a report for a speech at the student online conference of the MIR-TA (International Institute of Development Transactional Analysis, IIDTA) on the topic “Transactional Analysis in the 21st Century”. It provides a brief overview of five articles on the topic of a new area of transactional analysis — eco-TA. The materials answer important questions about the use of ecotherapy and reveal the directions of development for transactional analysis in general. Eco-TA is one of the new directions in transactional analysis, which includes not only the idea of walking with clients in the park and conducting consultations somewhere outdoors, but also a broader understanding of the intersection of the therapist, client and nature relationships. The reviewed articles also raise issues of environmental activism, the deep connection of humanity with previous generations, as well as the idea of nature as a potential co-therapist, a direct participant in the therapeutic process. One of the articles argues that the idea of motherhood, that is, caring and connecting with the world, is important for understanding the relationship between humans and the environment. At the same time, we can familiarize ourselves with possible objections to the use of ecotherapy — and choose the appropriate way to solve the likely difficulties associated with the introduction of eco-TA into our practice. This review helps to understand how we are all connected to each other and to nature and how we can support the importance of caring, connecting and passing on knowledge to the next generation.

Transactional Analysis in Russia. 2024;4(2):24-30
pages 24-30 views
The Use of the Game Method in Psychological Work with Clients Within the Framework of the Transactional-Analytical Approach
Gilek Y.N.

This article presents a theoretical comparison of the concepts of the transactional-analytical approach and the features and aspects of gaming methods in psychological work with clients. The features of gaming methods, their possibilities for activating ego states of personality, the processes of reflection, decontamination, and the formation of a psychotherapeutic contract were investigated. Using the example of the practical case of the author’s game “Autonomy”, some concepts of the transactional-analytical approach were investigated, which can be found manifested in the process and results of the game. Empirical research has shown that the dynamics of ego states of personality are observed in the game, and if the stages of the game are built in a certain way, then it is possible to control the processes of movement of mental energy (cathexis) between ego states. In addition, a phenomenon comparable to the description in scientific works of the ego state of an Integrated Adult has been discovered. Quantitative analysis also showed that the dynamics of ego states in players is statistically significantly different from the dynamics of ego states of individuals who did not participate in the game and simply filled out the test to assess ego states twice with a time interval between fills. Clients can transfer the results of the “Autonomy” game to further psychotherapeutic work in the transactional-analytical approach.

Transactional Analysis in Russia. 2024;4(2):31-41
pages 31-41 views

"I'm OK, You're OK"

Features of Working with Clients with Schizoid Adaptation
Barsukova S.A.

The article provides an overview of different approaches to the description of the schizoid personality structure, as well as schizoid adaptation and the schizoid process — within the framework of the psychoanalytic method (Nancy McWilliams), the psychodynamic approach (Stephen M. Johnson), transactional analysis (Taibi Kahler, Ian Stewart and Vann Joines) and integrative psychotherapy by Richard Erskine. The article also describes methods and techniques of working with clients with a schizoid personality structure and schizoid process, reveals the essence of the intrapersonal conflict of this category of clients, four levels of splitting, methods of working with each of the levels according to Richard Erskine. The author offers a set of goals and strategies of psychotherapy for clients with a schizoid character structure and ways to work with the strategy of withdrawal — the main psychological protection of this group of clients, according to the approach of Marye O’Reilly-Knapp.

Transactional Analysis in Russia. 2024;4(2):42-46
pages 42-46 views
The Dilemma of Schizoid Adaptation on the Example of the Films “First Man” and “Ad Astra”
Pushkaryov A.Y.

This article provides an overview of the features of the schizoid adaptation dilemma using the example of the films “First Man” (dir. by Damien Chazelle, 2018) and “Ad Astra” (dir. by James Gray, 2019). The author talks about the specifics of schizoid adaptation — passivity, the way of structuring time, contacting one’s feelings and other people, the drivers and defenses used. The material contains quotations illustrating the author’s ideas from the works of Harry Guntrip and Ray Little, who were engaged in, among other things, the study of the features of psychotherapeutic work with this character structure. Relatively speaking, it is possible to put an equal sign in this material between “adaptation”, a term from the theory of personality adaptations in transactional analysis, and the term “character structure” within the framework of a psychoanalytic approach to personality typologization. The author describes the two main characters, Neil Armstrong (Ryan Gosling) and Roy McBride (Brad Pitt), who are the bearers of this adaptation. The films use the setting of the cosmos as a metaphor for loneliness, remoteness and separation of the main characters from the inhabitants of the Earth, ordinary people. Interesting details are provided that reveal to us the nuances of the internal functioning of these characters.

Transactional Analysis in Russia. 2024;4(2):47-50
pages 47-50 views
Spiritual Transactional Analysis
Murashova E.I.

The article talks about what spirituality is, and what meaning it has as a part of the therapeutic process. The author explains the difference between spirituality, philosophy and religion, develops the idea that spirituality can help people cope with various emotional and psychological problems, and considers ways to place spirituality in therapy. This article raises the question of how to be a psychotherapist who considers and embraces spirituality both in him or herself and in the clients. The author also talks about how creativity and imagination help to see the advantages of games. This article uses ideas from the seminar “Spirituality and Transactional Analysis” by Robin Hobbes and Martin Wells (May 11, 2024) and the article “Psychotherapy and Spirituality” by Rebecca L. Trautmann (published in “Transactional Analysis Journal” in January, 2003).

Transactional Analysis in Russia. 2024;4(2):51-54
pages 51-54 views
Summary of Linda Gregory’s book “Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-Actualization. Integration of Transactional Analysis, Spirituality, and Quantum Field”
Samoilova A.I.

This article is a detailed review of Linda Gregory’s book “Three Paths to Autonomy and Self-Actualization. Integration of Transactional Analysis, Spirituality, and Quantum Field”. We all strive for self-actualization and are in search of answers to deep existential questions: “Who am I? What am I like? What am I doing here?” Often, people are led into psychotherapy not only by a conscious desire to solve certain problems, but also by the desire for self-actualization and transcendence. This review highlights one of the disadvantages of the classical theory of transactional analysis — the focus on the cognitive understanding of a client’s problems and the almost complete lack of attention to the spiritual component. The author of the review, following Linda Gregory, talks about how important it is to integrate spirituality into the theories and practices of the transactional-analytical approach. Gregory suggests considering spirituality as a deep personal connection with oneself, higher consciousness and the universal quantum field, and also suggests using meditation as a way to establish contact with oneself and find answers to one’s existential questions.

Transactional Analysis in Russia. 2024;4(2):55-59
pages 55-59 views

Book Reviews

”I Found Myself Regretting That in the Beginning This Book Was Not Available to Me”
Kormanovskaya K.S.

Review of Alla Dalit’s book “Psychology for Life: Transactional Analysis in Words and Pictures”. The author of the review shares her impressions of the book, describes the audience who will benefit from this manual, the main points that seemed important and remembered, and also gives quotes to familiarize those who are interested with the style and specifics of the narrative.

Transactional Analysis in Russia. 2024;4(2):60-61
pages 60-61 views
”This is a Valuable Resource for Novice Psychologists and Excellent Visual Material for Clients”
Mitshimanorskaya Y.O.

Review of the book by Alla Dalit “Psychology for Life: Transactional Analysis in Words and Pictures”. The author of the review describes the main valuable points from the book, analyzes which readership this book is suitable for, and examines the main advantages of this publication.

Transactional Analysis in Russia. 2024;4(2):62-63
pages 62-63 views

Navigator in the World of TA

SOTA. News
Transactional Analysis in Russia. 2024;4(2):64-64
pages 64-64 views
Write about science and not only
Transactional Analysis in Russia. 2024;4(2):65-65
pages 65-65 views

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